You will meet one on one with Jayne.
Each week it will be tailored specifically
to you and your needs,
which means you may not follow the curriculum.
You will have a safe place to process your journey
and learn practical tools
that Jayne will help you implement in your daily life.
상황이 바뀌지 않더라도,
내면의 사슬을 끊어내고
진정한 희망과 행복의 길로
나아가는 법을 익혀요.
10주 간 영어 말하기를 연습하면서
건강한 공동체 안에서
자존감을 기르고 자유를 경험합니다.
You will discover that,
even if nothing changes in your circumstances,
your inner chains can be broken
and that you can go free
into a new path of real hope and happiness.
You can practice your conversational English
in a safe group setting
where you will also grow in your confidence
in who you were created to be
and learn the keys to experiencing freedom
in your circumstance.